Founded in 1927 by a chap called Louis Marchesi, Round Tables meet all over Great Britain and Ireland, usually once a fortnight for either a social, a fun activity or to make a difference in the community. Whitley Bay Round Table is one of around 300 Table clubs in the UK.
Table nights can vary with activities such as white water rafting, hiking, zorbing, crazy golf, learning how to make the perfect sushi or taking a tour of the local brewery. Alternatively, you might find yourself running a charity event or helping a local community centre redecorate.
Fundraising for local charities is the DNA of Round Table. Many say we are built by kindness. Community fundraising involves everything from beer festivals, firework events and santa sleighs; to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and 10k fun runs. Round Table clubs raise over £4 million a year for local communities and good causes, whilst volunteering more than 160,000 hours.
It wasn't long after the establishment of Table that clubs started forming outside of the UK and now there are Tables all over the world which are now overseen by an international organisation
41 Clubs are for guys who are over the now "retirement age" of 45 (which used to be 40). There are several 41 Clubs in our area, including one in Whitley Bay
XRT (Ex-Round Table) is an initiative from 41 Club which aims to ensure guys who leave Table at 45 don't drift away from the Round Table Family if there's not a 41 Club local to them that they fancy joining. We formed Whitley Bay XRT to do just - it also gives guys who are near 45 assurance that they're joining an organisation which will still have something to offer them in a few years
It soon became apparent that whilst Table was for young men, there was a requirement to have a club for young women hence the formation of Ladies Circle. Unfortunately in our area there are no longer any Ladies Circles although we'd love to help get one set up again...
As with 41 Club, there soon became a requirement to form a club for older ladies. Rules have recently changed to allow non-ex-Ladies Circlers to join and although some existing clubs are open to this, not all are. Similarly, we'd love to help get one set up to enable this...